Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Eating at least one meal of fully raw fruits and veggies per day during the 40 day miracle/42 cleansing program

OMG!!! I made homemade guacamole with fresh garlic, cilantro and onions. I used English cucumbers (no seeds inside) to put the guacamole on, and the combination was unbelievably good. Wow, it was so tasty and more important, it was 100% raw.  The guidelines to follow during the 40/42 day prayer, fasting, cleansing and exercise program is as follows (Copied from

Days 1 through 42 ~ Water
The proper amount of pure water is consumed during the entire 42 days.
Drink at least ½ of your body weight (Pounds) in ounces daily. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds, drink at least 50 ounces of water per day. If you weigh 150 pounds, drink at least 75 ounces, etc. Distilled water is best for cleansing. It is best to drink your water at room temperature, not cold. Use bottled water if you cannot get distilled.
Week 1 through 3 (Days 1 through 21) Super Clean Food
No animal products of ANY kind.
No dairy, no honey, no fish, no chicken, nothing derived from an animal.
No cooked foods except for steamed.
No baked, fried, grilled, microwaved, flamed or boiled.
This also means no bread
No pre-packaged seasonings. No salt, pepper, etc. You may use fresh garlic or other herbs.
The first 21 days allows only steamed and raw food. Veggie patty
Peace, Love, Joy and Good Health!!!  God Bless You.  Wanda Ross, A Woman of Prophetic Destiny

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