Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Plant Based Eating Regiment Mixed with the 40 day Miracle Prayer and Fasting Program

Part 2 of day 2 of my 42 day Prayer, Fasting and Cleansing Regiment. Prior to finding the 40 day/42 day Program on http://www.40day.com/the_program.shtml, I had already started my cleansing process. I am sure you think this going to be easy for me because I have already been eating plant based, but its not. I struggled my first day because I had finally found stuff I could eat and enjoy. So, although I craved a veggie spring roll that gives me the satisfaction of something crunchy, I didn't eat one. I eat humus with blue corn chips and I thought I could not have that. After a considerable amount of introspection, I can not have anything processed; even if its organic plant base stuff. So my Ezekiel cereal and sprouted spring rolls are organically processed, and processed is processed. The instructions said the only thing processed that is allowed is veggie burgers and they were too mushy for me. I'm not eating fried food either so I bake, broil or microwave. You can only steam your food while on this life changing regiment.

Oh well, it was just my first day and I have sorted things out and was highly satisfied with my menu today. I ate fresh pineapple for my evening snack and its amazing how I enjoy the taste of fresh veggies and fruit so much more since I cut out sugar and salt. I use to love cold stone ice cream but I cut out dairy and watching you tube, I have learned so much from many of the plant based guru's. Last week, I didn't want my grapes to go bad so I froze them, added pineapple's and whipped them up in my magic bullet. OMG! Not only was it so good, but the next day it flushed me out like a whirlwind had gone through me. I was amazed how that natural fiber cleansed my insides similar to had a colonic irrigation or something. My favorite ice cream, and truthfully it taste so much better than dairy made ice cream, is frozen banana's with a little almond milk for moisture. One day I added nuts and another time I added ginger. Now, the 40 day/42 day regiment requires you add a little water for moisture, but either way I'm sure its going to be good. It is suggested you don't use a blender because you want the pulp for the fiber and blenders liquefy more. I have frozen mangoes (2 different types) I cut up. They should be exceptionally good.

I'm learning how to have fun with this plant based regiment and enjoy the natural flavors of food. So, if you are new to plant based eating or beginning the 40 day/42 day life changing program, I pray this information help you move to the next level. Gotta mention the most important parts. In addition to following the program guidelines, praying and fasting from past eating regiments, listening to the recordings, reading the daily proclamation, and reading the frequently asked questions are essential if you want to be successful. There is a daily routine including scripture reading, drinking water, steaming your food and exercising too. Its a suggestion, not a requirement to include a colon cleaning regiment. The area's I am slacking in is drinking enough water and exercise. I am working on both of those areas. Listening to airjesus.com, Pastor Nathaniel talked about fruits and veggies that are filled with water; so now, I make sure I buy the one's that have the highest percent of water. Every little bit helps.Peace, Love, Joy and Good Health!!!  God Bless You.  Wanda Ross, A Woman of Prophetic Destiny

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