Friday, June 5, 2015

Heart Attack Grill is a restaurant

This is my 5th day and OMG I am blown away. I was creating a website for my brother Pete and I gathered a picture entitled: quadruple heart attack triple bacon cheese burger. I never really thought it was a real restaurant. The restaurants branding statement is, “A taste worth dying for”. Please go to this you tube page and see it for yourself. This one burger is 9,982 calories with 20 slices of bacon; this is the equivalent of over 30 big macs. When you enter into the restaurant, you have to wear a hospital gown and an arm band so that they can get you prepared for heart surgery (eating the lard saturated food). If you weigh over 350 lbs., you get your food free. The onions, bacon, fries and burgers are all cooked in lard. The fries are called flat liner fries and they are unlimited. This restaurant is all over the nation and people flock to the restaurant to eat food that literally shorten your life span. There is a sign on the front door warning you this food is hazardous to your health. The waitresses who wear nurse’s uniforms escort you out of the restaurant in a wheel chair.

This burger has so many calories and so much fat, it won its place in the world book for the most calories 9,982. ABC news you tube interviewed the owner and over 3,350,763 people viewed this documentary.  Within two years their spokes persons one 29 and the other 54 who could eat free every day, and both of them died 60 days apart. The 3rd spokesperson had a heart attack but he didn’t die. Several customers actually experienced heart attacks while eating the food. My grandmother use to cook chicken wings in lard and people came from all over to purchase them every Saturday. Years later, I asked one of my aunts if she still cook chicken in lard. She said, “No, because I had a heart attack”. I was home in Baltimore visiting family and my sister Rhonda tried to cook chicken wings like our grandmother cooked in lard. Not only did it smell funny, I didn’t like the taste and I thank God I didn’t. Hindsight has taught me I embraced the eating habits of past generations and I have struggled with obesity all of my life too. I passed those same eating habits down to my daughter, but I made a commitment to break the generational chains of unhealthy eating.

My mother was overweight, I was overweight, my daughter was overweight, and my nieces are overweight. Overweight people are not the only people susceptible to heart attacks, but strokes and so many other illnesses. Both of my grandmothers had by-pass surgery and they were women of small stature. It’s all about your HDL numbers (high-density lipoprotein) that can increase your cholesterol. This is the blood test I mentioned in the previous article that resulted in my decision to eat a 100% plant based diet. LDL is called “bad” cholesterol because it can build up in the walls of your arteries and form plaque. Plaque build-up in the arteries can reduce blood flow and increase your risk of heart disease. The owner of the Heart Attack Grill is doing the same thing as all of the other restaurants-making money off of people’s vulnerabilities. But the real responsibility is ours. Once I watched documentaries listed in a previous article, it was easy not to eat a lot of that stuff. Don’t think I don’t crave things I ate from my past, but the fact that I have spent most of my life eating my way to the grave motivates me.

Most of the people either associated with the Heart Attack Grill or had heart attacks while eating at the Heart Attack Grill spent their lives eating foods that ultimately resulted in the death. I have been given a 2nd chance too live a healthy life-I have the power to change my life forever, and so do you. I use to love bacon cheese burgers but they are hazardous to my well-being-they are deadly. I fed my daughter McDonald because it was cheap and easy to get. I didn’t know any better. I have no more excuses, what about you? Do you choose to wait until the doctor tells you are sick to wake up and see the blessing God has given you, or take action now to not only change your destiny, but the destiny of present and future generations. Peace, Love, Joy and Good Health!!!  God Bless You.  Wanda Ross, A Woman of Prophetic Destiny

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