Thursday, June 4, 2015

Reversing generational eating habits and life styles with a plant based eating regiment

This is my 4th day of the 40/42 day health challenge and I have been exercising twice a day. I started cleansing my system over a week ago, and since then, its been very difficult to sleep. I attribute it to the toxics being released so I will be patient. With the aid of documentaries on you tube like: Forks Over Knives, Vegucated, and Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, we have the freedom to eat a cheese burger or die of a heart attack later, in life. When you get a chance, go to you tube and check out those documentaries, I did and my change didn't happen immediately, it was a subtle change that lead me here. I don't know about you but when I look around, all I see and hear are a bunch of people experiencing extreme health challenges. Many of them are young adults who adapted the eating habits of past generations. Although I ate whatever my mother cooked, I can honestly tell you I wanted shredded wheat cereal when everyone else want sugary cereal. I asked for wheat bread but we could only afford to purchase white bread. I hated mushy veggies because I wanted them crunchier; so I stopped eating vegetables altogether. Just look in your own family, I did and I discovered heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

I explained to my beautiful nieces that obesity was prevalent in our family and if they did not embrace that fact now, later in life, it would haunt them. I know, they were just like me when I was their age. I remember saying, "It won't happen to me". But as the older generation say, "The fruit don't fall far from the tree". They are exceptionally beautiful girls but they are very plump; which scientifically means obese or over weight. My parents took me to a dietician at a very early age but those people could not reach me because they did not deal with the underlying causes. Later in life, my older brother Pete was the first to embrace a healthy eating lifestyle. He introduced us to fruits and vegetables, talked to us about eating to live; instead of living to eat, and he gave us books to read about health. Most important, he exhibited his commitment to break generational health challenges by practicing what he was preaching. Not only did he expose his immediate family to healthy eating, he spread the message to our friends, our relatives and our communities. And, although the seeds were planted a long time ago, its been a process for those healthy living seeds to sprout in my life. I have embraced the concept into my life several times but I did not stick to it-it wasn't a permanent life style changes. And like many young people, I was under the illusion I had plenty of time.

Looking around, still having time no longer applies to the younger generation anymore. Too many young people are plagued with illnesses' normally associated with older adults. Diabetes and high blood pressure permeates the lives of too many young people in our communities. Life, and the world in which we live has drastically changed and its important we take personal responsibility for our own lives. I had three things happen in my life within eighteen months that got me to plant based eating. First, I called an old friend from my home town and she told me she had a heart attack. Wow, I remember thinking to myself. Both of us were insomniacs and she told me the doctor told her the lack of sleep contributed to her heart attack. This is not the first time I've heard this, but this was my time because it would literally help change my life. The second occurrence that contributed to my lifestyle change was a conversation with my sister Rhonda. We talk about being bored with cooking and eating the same old things over and over again. How many different ways can you cook fish, chicken and or beef. After that conversation, I decided to stop eating processed food, and the third thing that prompted my lifestyle change was a HDL blood test

I took the test to see if I was susceptible to heart attacks, strokes and other illnesses. I thank God that the results of the blood test results revealed no illnesses, but the doctor told me I would eventually experience all of the illnesses listed above if I did not change my eating habits. He said I would begin experiencing them over the next ten years so I left his office and I changed all of my eating and drinking habits. I gave up soda and juice, dairy, all seafood and meat, and sugar and salt. I embraced a 100% plant-based diet right away . When the doctor told me I could decrease my risk of heart disease, lower my risk of cancer, help me and reverse so many other illnesses waiting to take over my body, I started reading about plant based eating. People often asked me if it was hard, and I can truthfully say no. Once he told me I had a second chance at life, that I could literally reverse the HDL numbers, it was a done deal. I have been back for my ninety day HDL blood test and my HDL numbers have decreased drastically. I can hardly wait for my six month blood test result because I have been diligent in my own personal commitment to live a very long and healthy life. You can too! The choice is yours. Would you rather have a cheese burger or a heart attack, later in life? Ask yourself this question. Peace, Love, Joy and Good Health!!!  God Bless You.  Wanda Ross, A Woman of Prophetic Destiny

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